Quoting from their site: "The National Clearinghouse on Academic Worklife (NCAW) provides resources to help faculty, graduate students, administrators and higher education researchers understand more about all aspects of modern academic work and related career issues, including tenure track and non tenure track appointments, benefits, climate and satisfaction, work/life balance, and policy development.
Developed at the University of Michigan's Center for the Education of Women, with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Clearinghouse on Academic Worklife contains resources for researchers, administrators, faculty, and others interested in academia and work.
NCAW includes selected resources on all aspects of academic work and related issues: faculty careers, including tenure track and non tenure track faculty, benefits, climate and satisfaction, flexibility and work/life balance, policy development and policies that affect faculty, graduate students as future faculty, administrators' concerns, and more."
Link: http://www.academicworklife.org/
Source (as usual): ResourceShelf
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