Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Science, Simpsons Style...

In honor of the recently released Simpsons Movie:

Part of The Simpsons' greatness is a willingness to find the humour in absolutely everything — including science. Executive producer Al Jean, the show's head writer and a Harvard mathematics graduate, talks to Nature about how to get a laugh out of Euler's formula. Read more...>>

Also check out the top ten science moments in The Simpsons, as chosen by Nature's editorial staff.

(Source: http://www.nature.com/news/index.html)

Did you know that Stevens users have full-text online access to Nature journal? Check it out here.

1 comment:

Paul Halpern said...

In case you are interested, I've just published a new book about science on the Simpsons, called:

What's Science Ever Done For Us?: What the Simpsons Can Teach Us About Physics, Robots, Life, and the Universe

Paul Halpern