Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thesis & Dissertation Specifications Available

Writing or Advising a Thesis, Dissertation, Senior Report, or Senior Project?

As you finalize your theses, dissertations, reports, and projects, we encourage you to take a look at the Specifications and Instructions for Submission of Theses, Dissertations, Reports, and Projects. This information is available to you within the Library Services section of the Library website at

This page provides you and your Advisors with formatting requirements, report specifications, sample pages, and links to copyright information & forms. Students using LaTeX to prepare their papers will find a LaTeX template available for their use.

If you or your Advisors have any questions about submitting a thesis, dissertation, report, or project, please contact Doris Oliver, Special Collections Assistant Curator at the Samuel C. Williams Library, at or 201-216-5415.

Best of luck with your papers and projects!

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